Sunday, September 11, 2011

Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope, or sometimes confused as Leslie Knorpe, Is one person in my life that I can proudly say Is someone I strive to be. And I think that I'm like her in many ways.

     This women, this amazing female, this fruitful collaboration, this intelligent thing, this flag of awesome, this lady of justice, this mound of courage, this crap full of thoughtful thinking, this person is Leslie Knope, and she is the up most importance, and not just to me... But to AMERICA (mostly me) and she rises up, and shows wisdom yet fear and blood and all at once she's strong and scared!
     I know that she is who I am striving to be. She once said "And if i ever was a stripper, my stripper name would be Equality." This is one of many many many brilliant and simple sayings of Knope, and yet she keeps her cool and prosperity. 
I see myself in her everyday, and I know that is because we are equally (almost) the same! I wanted to share this with whoever reads this, because one day, or tomorrow, I will be as amazing as her in every way, and yes... I will build a park! :)